
We believe writers matter because writing matters.

Professional writers should be able to sustain themselves and thrive, even when times are hard. The Royal Literary Fund offers financial support, advice and earning opportunities across the UK, enabling writers to keep writing and to share their skills with others.

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Supporting Writers

We offer a range of grants to professional writers needing short-term to long-term financial support. They might be facing an unexpected bill, reduced income, or unable to write due to a change in circumstances, sickness, disability, or age.

The RLF also offers earning opportunities for professional writers through our Fellowship scheme who work as Fellows sharing their expertise with others. We place writers in over 100 universities across the UK, helping students to develop their academic writing.

Enquire about a grantEnquire about the Fellowship

News & Features


Our commitment to advancing public education begins with our Fellowship scheme. Find out how we work with educational institutions across the UK, our Bridge school workshops and consultancy programme, and how writers can apply to the Fellowship scheme.

If you’re a student looking for help with your academic writing, we also offer a range of free online writing tools and resources.

View Fellowship schemeView tools & resources

Workplace & Community

Our Writing for Life programme enables writers to share their skills in their local community. They are trained to deliver workshops on writing for self-expression, building writing skills in the workplace, and hosting reading round groups for their local communities.

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WritersMosaic, a division of the Royal Literary Fund, is an online magazine and developmental resource focused on UK writers of the global majority, reflecting the changing reality of contemporary Britain, from its past and into its future.

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Student Resources

We offer a comprehensive range of guides to help students at all stages of the writing process.

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Illustration of a woman looking through a magnifying glass at a bookshelf.

Meet Our Writers

Browse our directory of RLF Fellows, past and present. Our writers help to deliver the many programmes we operate across the UK.

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A collection of interviews, reflections and articles written by our writers, exploring all aspects of literary life.

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